Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Is A Secure Border Important To Seniors?

I'd been listing to a talk radio station this morning as I was making my rounds in the automobile. I had to go to Crestline, where our second home (weekends and vacations) is located. For those of you unfamiliar with the area, Crestline is a small town, around 4,000 or so, located in the San Bernardino mountains, about a half an hour South of Lake Arrowhead. It's a bit lower than Arrowhead, setting at about 4800 ft. Less snow and closer to home. The trip takes about 90 minutes from Placentia, so I was listening to AM 640.

The primary topic this morning (for this hour at least) was whether securing the U.S. Border was important to Americans, the Bush Administration, President Bush, the Democratic Party, etc. Much of the conversation circled around the recent "guilty" verdict of the two U.S. Border Patrol agents who ended up in prison for shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the backside.

The program went on to say that 27% of the prison population is made up of illegal aliens. The two guards sent away were promised a minimum security location with the general population, but that one was sent to a Yazoo, MS, a medium security location. The thinking was that minimum security would not have "violent" inmates and that the Border Patrol agents would be in little danger. Within a day, Ramos was beaten within an inch of his life. From the "WorldNet Daily", it was reported that Ramos was assaulted by five Hispanic men with steel-toed boots – likely illegal aliens – who cussed him out in Spanish.

So, the general feeling is that they are telling the Border Patrol agents not to pull their guns and shoot anyone fleeing in a certain direction. The agents would be better off in a non-active position of drinking coffee and eating doughnuts.

The "drive-by media", mainstream newspapers, and the television channels do not always give us a clear view of what's going on. We have to look deeper on matters that concern us and the welfare of our children and our nation. Here's the link for the WorldNetDaily:

How do you feel about a secure U.S. it important to you? Is the Republican or the Democratic Party concerned? Should they be? Is this one of the areas we really need to think and be sure about when we elect the next President of the United States?

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