Thursday, January 18, 2007

Iraq - Troop Build Up In Question

It's all over the news....blogs, newspapers, the Internet, TV....President Bush has gone against what the public (and the majority of the Democratic Party) seemingly want....a troop reduction and ultimate pullout of the U.S. Military.

So, who is right? Is the President best equipped with the correct information to make the decision on what to do in Iraq, or is the news media, who is "supposedly" quoting the public, got the "right stuff" to make the call?

What do you think? You've got the opportunity to be heard. Just reply to the blog. Let everyone else see what you feel about one of the most important events of our present day.

I personally think that we need to fight radical Islam in the middle east. If we get out now, or too soon, withdraw our troops, then they've won. They'll bring it here, believe me. This particular sect of Islam maybe the minority, but many of the majority are afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation....the result is likely disastrous.

The side that wants withdrawal offer no plan to win. They've chosen to lose. This will be worse than Vietnam. When a time comes again (and it will), when American needs assistance from other "free" nations, they'll think twice about helping, if we pull out before the job is done.

I've heard on at least one radio station that most Americans have forgot, or put to the back of our minds, what happened on 9/11/01. The radio host went on to say that it'll take another attack on America for us to "wake up". The next event will more likely than not be larger than the last. Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago....who's going to be the target?

Now, the Democratic Party (and a few Republicans) want to withold funding for the military. They want to tie the President's hands and force the issue of withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. I feel for the families of those who have members service in our armed forces, but what if our founding father's were to face the same events then as we are withdrawal before victory the way to go?

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